Oral Hygiene
The patients guide to healthy teeth
1. Brushing Advice
Spit, dont rinse
Brush twice daily for 2mins.
Use toothpaste min.1000ppm Fluoride
Avoid sugary snacks between meals and finish with savoury
Avoid sticky sugars and beware of hidden sugars.
Brush your teeth twice a day. Ideally in the morning and before bed, with a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for children. This ensures children do not ingest too much fluoride should they swallow it rather than spitting it out. If any acidic drinks are consumed (e.g. fruit juice with breakfast), it’s best to brush beforehand or at least wait an hour to avoid removing micro layers of enamel which may have been softened by the acids.
2. Toothpaste Facts

The toothpaste should have at least 1000ppm of Fluoride. There are different types of Fluorides but the ingredients on the toothpaste will state a “ppm” number, parts per million. Anything less than 1000ppm is not effective enough in reducing the risk of decay.

Once you have brushed your teeth, spit out any toothpaste but DO NOT rinse your mouth out. This leaves any remaining toothpaste coating your teeth and allows more of the fluoride to “soak in” to your teeth. If you wish to use mouthwash, use it as a separate time to brushing. Perhaps use it after a meal to freshen up or between meals during the day.
3. Diet Advice
It is important to not only think about the amount of sugar you eat but the frequency and timing of it too. You should try to avoid sugary foods between meals, instead eating them as part of a main meal and ending with something savoury. A piece of cheese after any dessert is ideal to reduce any residual sugars and neutralise acids in the mouth. Avoid anything sugary before bed.

You naturally have less saliva in your mouth at night so it will take longer to balance things in the mouth out during the night, so after you have brushed your teeth before bed you shouldn’t have anything else to eat or drink other than water. Avoid sticky sweets. If you’re going to have a sweet treat,stick to something like chocolate which will melt and wash away quicker than toffees for example. Equally, other sticky sweets or hard sweets that you’d suck on keep sugars in your mouth, these are best avoided.

The same does go for fruit, although fruit is healthy it contains natural unprocessed sugars, these sugars can do as much damage as other forms of sugar if consumed too often. Dried fruit can linger in the mouth for longer and have a higher and have a higher concentration of sugar.